Jason Mayes


Developer Advocate for TensorFlow.js / Research and Machine Intelligence at Google.

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      The hello world for TensorFlow.js :-) Absolute minimum needed to import into your website and simply prints the loaded TensorFlow.js version. From here we can do great things. Clone this to make your own TensorFlow.js powered projects or if you are following a tutorial that needs TensorFlow.js to work.


        Load in a pre-trained model from the TensorFlow.js team so that you can check if objects are contained in an image. Clone this to make your own TensorFlow.js powered projects to recognize popular things in images from your webcam and more!


          Load in a pre-trained Body-Pix model from the TensorFlow.js team so that you can locate all pixels in an image that are part of a body, and what part of the body they belong to. Clone this to make your own TensorFlow.js powered projects to recognize body parts in images from your webcam and more!


            Example showing how to train a custom model to classify handwritten MNIST digits from 0 to 9 using a multi layered perceptron in TensorFlow.js